AAPORnet Archives

AAPORnet Archives post July 11, 2019 

To view archives of AAPORnet messages since July 11, 2019, please click here.  When prompted, please enter the email address associated with the listserv.  This will send you an access code with a link to all AAPORnet messages.

AAPORnet Archives Pre-2011

Prior to 2003, the archives of the AAPORnet listserv messages were organized in such a way that they could not be imported into the new AAPORnet Discussion Forum. Below are links to the full-text archives, organized by month. To search for a keyword within a monthly archive, use ‘ctrl + f’ to find the text for which you are searching. Alternatively, if you would like to search all of these months at the same time, click here to download a plain text file containing the entire period. You can save this file to your computer, expand it, and then open it with any text editor or word processor to perform your searches.