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You searched for: transparency initiative

Transparency Initiative Admits 77 Charter Members during its First Year

The TI wrapped up its first official year of operation in early October 2015, having completed processing and admission of 77 survey organizations as Charter Members. This exceeded our expectations and we are very pleased with the strong commitment to the principle of transparency of research methodology that many of the leading organizations in our […]

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Transparency Initiative Update

The Transparency Initiative Coordinating Committee (TICC) has been hard at work incorporating the updated Code of Professional Ethics and Practices adopted by AAPOR membership in April 2021. The revised code updated Section III: Standards for Disclosures. These standards guide the required elements that TI members are committed to disclosing as part of their membership.

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Transparency Initiative Update

The Transparency Initiative is pleased to report that it is closing in on 100 members as we enter our seventh year! New applications to the TI continue to arrive on a consistent basis, and those on the committee work hard to review new applicants as well as perform biennial evaluations. The commitment to methodological transparency shines in the work of the committee and TI members who approach their work from across the research spectrum. Committee members bring to the TI their experience in the worlds of non-profit and commercial research, as well as from government and academic settings. As research methodologies continue to evolve, the TI remains vigilant in ensuring that rigor and transparency defines the public face of its members regardless of mode or sampling frame.

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Transparency Initiative Spotlight: EdChoice

​The TICC is very thankful for the hard work of EdChoice, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that conducts and commissions research on choice-based reforms and issues in K-12 education with the goal to better inform policymakers and other stakeholders at the state and local levels around the country, as well as in Washington D.C.

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Transparency Initiative Spotlight: American Institutes for Research

American Institutes for Research (AIR) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan behavioral and social science research, evaluation, assessment, and technical assistance organization with a mission to conduct and apply the best behavioral and social science research and evaluation towards improving people's lives, with a special emphasis on the disadvantaged.

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Transparency Initiative Spotlight

​AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative is very active and ready for additional member organizations. If you are interested in having your organization join, please contact us at [email protected]

Member Spotlight: University of Wisconsin Survey Center
Since 1987, the University of Wisconsin Survey Center (UWSC) has provided high quality research design and data collection services for researchers at the University of Wisconsin, other universities, and the state and federal government. 

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Transparency Initiative Update

Over the past year, six new organizations joined the Transparency Initiative (TI), bringing total membership to 87 organizations and 63 organizations have passed their biennial review, which has been coordinated by TICC co-chair Tim Triplett. The TICC continues efforts for member recruitment and education including several presentations by the TICC co-chairs including a PAPOR short course.

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