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Transparency Initiative Update

As part of the Transparency Initiative, organizations have agreed to train their employees with job responsibilities that include the methodology content of TI Research, press releases and any other forms of research data disclosure, have been properly trained in TI principles and procedures for compliance. This spotlight focuses on the TI training program at Kaiser […]

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Transparency Initiative Update and Spotlight

All organizations involved in AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative have agreed to train their employees in TI principles and procedures for compliance. However, NORC at the University of Chicago has taken this TI requirement and made sure that not only are all employees with survey oversight responsibilities trained on TI issues but they complete their TI training […]

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Transparency Initiative Update

In October, AAPOR will be celebrating three years of the Transparency Initiative. The TICC (Transparency Initiative Coordinating Committee) has been hard at work throughout the year conducting the biennial reviews of all members who joined in 2014 and 2015.  As of July, almost half of all TI members have passed their review or are presently […]

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Transparency Initiative Update

It has been two years since AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative began accepting members in fall 2014. Now with more than 80 members, the TI is focusing on continuing our outreach for new members, conducting current members’ biennial reviews, presenting research at conferences, and educating the public and the survey community on the importance of transparency and […]

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Transparency Initiative Update

AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative committee members are busy conducting current members’ biennial reviews.  At this year’s AAPOR conference the TI committee will set up a table in the exhibit hall with the goal of recruiting new members and catching up with existing members.  The TI will also have a full panel presentation on Friday May 19 […]

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Transparency Initiative Update

Following up on some fantastic feedback, the AAPOR TICC committee made some substantial changes to the AAPOR TICC website in effort to make it easier to find key information.  Perhaps the most important change will be revising the application portal so that it resides fully on the AAPOR website thereby simplifying the application procedures. We […]

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Transparency Initiative Update

Beginning in Fall 2016, the Transparency Initiative Coordinating Committee will be highlighting the work of TI member organizations. The first organization chosen by the TICC is the Sarah T. Hughes Field Politics Center at Goucher College. If your organization is not yet a TI member, joining is now easier than ever with our updated website. […]

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Transparency Initiative Update

We have several Transparency Initiative updates to report as we enter 2016: AAPOR received a letter from the Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM) indicating their interest in the Transparency Initiative and noting their support for our shared value of scientific openness. A link to this letter, which also outlines some of the federal statistical […]

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Transparency Initiative Update

Our Coordinating Committee continues to build and develop AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative. We recently completed a TI member survey to learn more about what participating organizations think about their involvement. We were pleased with members’ overall positive reactions to the Transparency Initiative. This month, we’re sharing some of the many favorable comments that were volunteered by […]

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Transparency Initiative Now at 46

  An important reminder that Charter Membership status is only available to organizations accepted for membership by October 1, 2015. In order to be certain to meet this date, we strongly encourage those organizations interested in becoming Charter Members to submit their complete applications by July 31, as we are expecting to be very busy […]

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