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You searched for: transparency initiative

Transparency Initiative Admits 77 Charter Members during its First Year

The TI wrapped up its first official year of operation in early October 2015, having completed processing and admission of 77 survey organizations as Charter Members. This exceeded our expectations and we are very pleased with the strong commitment to the principle of transparency of research methodology that many of the leading organizations in our Association have taken by formally affiliating with this effort. The complete list of Charter Members can be found on AAPOR’s web site. These organizations represent 26 states, as well as the District of Columbia. One organization from Mexico has also joined the TI as a Charter Member. The TI Coordinating Committee continues to develop new online materials to support the Transparency Initiative, and we look forward to welcoming new members during our second year of operation.

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Data Quality Metrics for Online Samples: Considerations for Study Design & Analysis

In 2016, an AAPOR task force issued a report titled “Evaluating Survey Quality in Today’s Complex Environment” which outlined 17 questions that users of survey data should ask to help them make judgements about the survey’s results, regardless of the survey methodology. These questions work in tandem with the guidelines outlined by the AAPOR Transparency Initiative for survey disclosure in providing consumers of survey data an excellent framework for better understanding and assessing the possible error associated with a particular survey project.

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Thanksgiving …

​When I teach students about professional organizations and why they should care about them, I explain that AAPOR is a center of the science in our field through the annual conference and the journals. I describe how AAPOR serves us as practitioners by giving us a forum in which to deliberate about our aspirations – expressed in the codes of ethics and conduct, standards of practice, the Transparency Initiative, and more – and to monitor the environment in which we work.

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TI News

The AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative Coordinating Committee is proud to announce three new members to the dedicated committee of AAPOR members who are charged with assessing organizational compliance with disclosure standards. The new members are:

  • Jennifer Benz, Ph.D., The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research
  • Alian Kasabian, Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Pia Peltola, Ph.D., American Institutes for Research
We are thankful for the continued commitment to the Transparency Initiative from AAPOR members.

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Come see AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative at the 2017 Conference! We will be having a booth in the exhibitor hall with exciting “transparent” giveaways and a panel committed to issues of disclosure and transparency.

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Introducing AAPOR Profiles

AAPOR has a rich history of members from a variety of areas. We are committed to showcasing these members and their work in our fields.  I'm proud to bring you the first profile of notable AAPOR member, Peter Miller.

Peter Miller is a former AAPOR President, having served in that role in 2009 and 2010. One of his biggest accomplishments as AAPOR President was launching the Transparency Initiative, which now encompasses more than 75 survey firms. Over the years, Peter has served AAPOR in many other ways—he was AAPOR’s Standards Chair, its Conference Chair, and, for eight years, the Editor-in-Chief of its flagship journal, Public Opinion Quarterly. Currently, he serves on the Standards Committee, the Transparency Initiative Coordinating Committee and he is the co-Chair of the joint ASA/AAPOR Task Force on Improving the Climate for Surveys.

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The Year Ahead for AAPOR

Welcome from the members of the 2016-2017 Executive Council!  We will have a busy year ahead of us.  Some of the high priority items that Council will be dealing with include:

  1. Figuring out how to improve on the highly successful annual conference in Austin;
  2. Keeping the Transparency Initiative moving forward;
  3. Continuing to cope with the fallout from the FCC’s TCPA ruling;
  4. Providing quick responses to journalists on the performance of the polls during this Presidential year;
  5. Encouraging diversity in all our activities, task forces, and committees;
  6. Partnering with kindred organizations;
  7. Increasing our fund-raising efforts to bolster AAPOR’s finances; and
  8. Improving our service to members.

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Happy Holidays AAPOR Members

I know this can be a busy time of year, but that gives us all the more reason to take the time to reflect on our accomplishments. In 2015, AAPOR has:

  • Passed new, updated Bylaws and a revised Code of Professional Ethics and Practices (twice!);
  • Had an exceptional response to our Transparency Initiative with 77 charter members;
  • Hosted a successful 70th annual conference in Hollywood, Florida, and are well underway planning the 2016 conference in Austin, Texas

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