Donate to AAPOR

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Thank you in advance for your generosity in supporting the American Association for Public Opinion Research

Your donation will help AAPOR fulfill its mission and priorities in the field of public opinion and survey research.

AAPOR’s fundraising efforts are intended to support projects, awards and activities in the field of public opinion research that are beyond the scope of the association’s annual budget. Gifts to AAPOR fall into four categories:

  • AAPOR General Fund (Council-designated);
  • Specific restricted funds (the Seymour Sudman Fund, the Roper Fellow Award Fund, the Heritage Interview Series Fund, and AAPOR Friends and Family Fund);
  • Co-Sponsored funds (the WAPOR/AAPOR Janet A. Harkness Student Paper Award Fund. Contributions to the Harkness Fund are passed back directly to WAPOR); and
  • Planned giving

While 100% of your donation amount will be used for the specific purpose, interest earned on the donation may be used for other AAPOR programs and operations.  Read below for more details on making a donation to support AAPOR.

AAPOR General Fund:

Gifts made to AAPOR’s General Fund can be directed by the Executive Council to meet needs identified in any of the following areas:

  • Your gift supports the AAPOR Student Travel Awards established to fund graduate student attendance at the AAPOR Annual Conference.
  • Your gift can help underwrite the cost of expanding educational programs such as webinars, online courses and regional workshops.
  • Your gift can help us fulfill the promise of the Transparency Initiative. We have an unprecedented opportunity to influence how research organizations document their work, to increase the confidence of data consumers and to establish a rich archive for methodological research.
  • Your gift can give AAPOR an even larger voice in public discussions of polls and surveys, reinforcing the critically important principles of our Code. We can extend our outreach to young researchers and students and expand production of Task Force reports. We can serve as a catalyst and organizer of research on pressing methodological questions.
Donate to AAPOR General Fund

Your gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. AAPOR is a registered 501(C)(3) organization and our Federal ID Number is: 13-6163548.

Restricted Funds:

AAPOR Community Support Fund – Providing Support for Conference Attendees and Members – NEW!

This year, in consideration of the reduction of travel funding for many of our members, we are working to broaden the number of options for supporting our members and conference attendees.  While we’re still finalizing the ways we can offer support, at a minimum we will be opening the Roper Awards to additional early career attendees, providing discounted registration for federal employees, and offering travel support for those outside of the federal government. The goal is to ensure the conference continues to be “A Meeting Place” for our community, even in times of uncertainty, transition, and changing circumstances. AAPOR cannot absorb the entirety of the significant costs for this support so we are collecting additional funds for this effort.

Burns “Bud” Roper Fellow Award

Contribute to the annual Burns “Bud” Roper Fellow Award program, named for the late Burns “Bud” Roper who provided a substantial bequest in his will to establish the fund. Roper Award Fellows are members whose primary work responsibilities are related to survey research or public opinion and who have recently started their careers. They receive financial assistance to help them attend the annual conference and/or participate in conference short courses; most are first-time conference attendees. Since 2005, over 40 Roper Fellows have received recognition.

Seymour Sudman Fund

The Seymour Sudman Fund was created in 2003 in the memory of Seymour Sudman, following a generous contribution from Ed Blair, a former graduate student of Sudman’s. The fund supports the annual Seymour Sudman Student Paper Competition Award. The Award honors the best student paper presented at the AAPOR annual conference.

Heritage Interview Series Fund

The AAPOR Heritage Interview Series Fund was initiated in 2002 as a way to preserve knowledge about the founding of the public opinion research profession, the development of new ideas that have had a lasting effect on the work we do, and the growth of AAPOR itself.  Since 2002, the Heritage Interview Committee has interviewed 27 individuals who have made significant contributions to our field. Nearly all of the interviews are now available for AAPOR members to view online. The effort is ongoing.

Co-Sponsored Award Fund

The WAPOR/AAPOR Janet A. Harkness Student Paper Award Fund was established in 2013 in fond memory of Dr. Harkness, internationally recognized for her contributions to cross-cultural survey methodology. The award recognizes emerging young scholars in the study of multi-national/multi-cultural/multi-lingual survey research (aka 3M survey research) by offering a cash prize and support for participation in the WAPOR/AAPOR Conference. The WAPOR/AAPOR Janet A. Harkness Student Paper Award Fund is co-sponsored by WAPOR and AAPOR. All contributions to the Harkness Fund are passed back directly to WAPOR.

Planned Giving

You may also choose to make a planned gift to AAPOR, or include the association as a beneficiary in your will. Planned giving allows you to keep your values alive and active through the workings of the association after you’re gone. It allows you to make a substantial donation to AAPOR now without depleting your day-to-day income or retirement assets.