
QUALPOR is intended for any AAPOR member who is managing, conducting, or has an interest in qualitative research methods. The purpose of this group is to advance the discipline of qualitative research within AAPOR by offering a forum in which AAPOR members can share best practices, exchange resources, and discuss new approaches to qualitative research design as well as ways to improve on the integrity of these designs along with the quality and usefulness of the outcomes.

QUALPOR hopes to achieve these goals by:

  • Providing an open environment that encourages a free exchange of ideas;
  • Providing numerous networking opportunities;
  • Encouraging QUALPOR members’ involvement in the AAPOR conference and webinar series; and,
  • Responding to the individual and collective needs of its members.

If you are interested in joining QUALPOR or for more information please contact Kathleen Kephart (kathleen.kephart@gmail.com) or Melissa Dunn Silesky (melissahdunn@gmail.com).

Public Opinion Quarterly – 2025 Special Qualitative Issue

The emphasis of this special issue is on articles that further the use of qualitative methods to inform and empirically advance substantive issues in the social and behavioral sciences.

Contact Margaret Roller (rmr@rollerresearch.com), Zach Smith (qks4@cdc.gov) or Paul Lavrakas (pjlavrakas@comcast.net) for more information.

QUALPOR Initiatives

QUALPOR supports a number of member-driven initiatives. Activities and contact information are highlighted below:

Learning Bursts

Learning Bursts are a series of live, virtual professional development sessions focused on key topics and skills in qualitative research. These offerings are open to QUALPOR members and any AAPOR member who is interested in qualitative research. The Learning Bursts Planning Committee meets monthly.

Contact Ken Croes (kcroes@ssc.wisc.edu) for more information.

Prior Sessions


QUALPOR News is published twice per year and features news concerning QUALPOR activities, including members’ accomplishments, guest articles related to ongoing or completed qualitative research studies, and valuable resources pertaining to qualitative research (e.g., events, published articles of interest, and academic journals publishing articles discussing qualitative methods).

Contact Margaret Roller (rmr@rollerresearch.com) for more information.

Sensitive Topics

The focus of the Sensitive Topics Group is to protect respondents and staff during sensitive topics research. This focus expands beyond topics traditionally considered “sensitive” as it’s recognized that intense emotions and distressing situations can arise unexpectedly in research on any topic.

  • In 2023, the group will be offering an ESRA panel on creating safe research environments, an AAPOR roundtable, and a shareable resource library of best practices, guidance and protocols, and relevant literature.

Contact Mariel Leonard (m.mckone.leonard@gmail.com) for more information

Standards and Best Practices

The goal of the Standards and Best Practices Committee is to develop educational materials for understanding and writing about qualitative methods. Over time, the committee expects to broaden its scope of work to include best practices and quality standards. The primary audience for these guidelines is non-researchers, such as journalists and communications professionals.

Contact Amber Ott (amber@hudsonpacific.co) for more information.