AAPORnet ListServ

AAPORnet is a members-only listserv that gives members immediate access to the leading professionals in the field. Join the conversation or just sit back and enjoy the exchanges between your fellow AAPOR members. Posting to AAPORnet is easy. Simply send an email to aapor-net@groups.aapor.org from the same email address you use for your AAPOR account.

To change your AAPORnet subscription settings or unsubscribe from AAPORnet:

  1. Visit https://groups.aapor.org/ and enter the email address you use on AAPORnet.
  2. Use the drop-down menu to select the email delivery option you prefer:
    • Individual Messages: receive messages as they are contributed
    • Digest: one daily email with all the messages for that day
    • Unsubscribed: no email messages

Have you been missing AAPOR or AAPORnet emails? Check your spam or junk folder! If essential emails are landing there, it may be because your IT department or your Internet service provider (ISP) such as AT&T, Verizon,Comcast, or Spectrum, is blocking the email, mistaking it for spam.

To ensure that you receive event emails, newsletters, and updates from  AAPOR at your email, please contact your IT department or ISP and ask them to put them to add our email domains @aapor.org and @groups.aapor.org  to the whitelist or permitted email sender list.

How to add aapor.org and groups.aapor.org to your whitelist or safe senders list through Outlook or Gmail: 

Several spam programs on the market and email clients or services such as Outlook and Gmail each have specific instructions for adding senders to your whitelist, or list of save senders. While we have included instructions for Outlook and Gmail below, you can always view your email client’s support page for instructions.



AAPORnet Archives
Access AAPORnet posts going back to 1994.

If you have any further questions, please email info@aapor.org.