AAPOR 78th Annual Conference Recap


A record number of AAPOR members gathered in Philadelphia for the 78th Annual Conference around the theme of Working Together: The Essential Role of Public Opinion Research in Collaborative Science.


  • 1,411 attendees – a record!
  • 494 talks (78 of which were collaborative), 40 contributed panels, 92 posters, and five roundtables.
  • Eight short courses: four virtual with an average attendance of 17 and four virtual with an average attendance of 20.
  • A Plenary Discussion: How Can the Work of AAPOR Continue to Improve and Enhance Collaborative Science? Moderated by David Wilson, University of California, Berkeley, with speakers: L. Michelle Bennett, LM Bennett Consulting, Benjamin Jones, Northwestern University, and Shelle Sanchez, City of Albuquerque.
  • Paul Beatty gave the Presidential address before the gavel was passed to Vice President Jennifer Agiesta.
  • The 2023 Award for Exceptionally Distinguished Achievement was awarded to Dr. Timothy P. Johnson during the Annual Awards Banquet.

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