
AAPOR Supports Obama’s nomination of AAPOR member John H. Thompson as Director of U.S. Census Bureau


Hon. Thomas Carper Chairman Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs 340 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510
Hon. Tom Coburn Chairman Ranking Minority Member Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs 340 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Carper and Senator Coburn:

It is with great pleasure and serious conviction that we, on behalf of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), write in support of President Obama’s nomination of Mr. John Thompson as Director of the Bureau of the Census. AAPOR is the leading professional organization of public opinion and survey research professionals in the U.S., with nearly 2,200 members from government agencies, colleges and universities, nonprofit organizations, media corporations, and commercial polling firms.

Mr. Thompson has been a longtime member of AAPOR, supporting the organization as it seeks to advance the quality of survey research. The Census Bureau needs a knowledgeable, experienced leader to ensure it can continue to meet the nation’s vast information needs in a fiscally prudent and technologically adept manner. Mr. Thompson’s experience leading Census 2000 and his knowledge of modern survey techniques at the National Opinion Research Center makes him uniquely qualified to lead the Bureau and implement a cost effective Census 2020. Again, we encourage you to act quickly to confirm Mr. Thompson as the next Census Director.

His confirmation will greatly enhance the methodologically rigorous and objective conduct of the Census. His careful leadership will ensure the continued development and standards of excellence achieved by the great many other population-based and economic surveys conducted by the Census Bureau that provide the critical information for understanding and governing our nation.

Respectfully yours,

Robert Santos                    Michael Link                     Paul J. Lavrakas
AAPOR President              AAPOR Vice President       AAPOR Past President