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You searched for: transparency initiative

Chapter Spotlight: SAPOR

During 2020, we chose to continue with the theme of #SAPORSpeaks across all events and communications. To this end, we started the year with several goals. First, increasing student membership and engagement. Second, continuing to engage our current membership through networking and social events. Third, revamping the SAPOR website. We continue to strive to make progress on our goals despite the complications brought about by COVID-19, including hosting two virtual happy hours for our members on Zoom and helping coordinate the AAPOR All-Chapter Social Event during the Virtual AAPOR Conference. Anything we are unable to fully accomplish this year will likely carry forward into future goals to make our organization even stronger.

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Empower the Leader and Influencer Within! Inspiration from Advanced Career AAPORites

Leadership is the ability to influence, through action, role, or passion. What can early career researchers do to make a successful transition to become leaders and influencers in the survey and public opinion research community? I asked nine advanced career AAPORites about what propelled their own transition. Based on these conversations, I present three recommendations. Early career colleagues, use them to empower yourself to join the leadership pipeline!

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AAPOR Approves Long Term Diversity Report and Implementation Plan

The AAPOR Executive Council enthusiastically and unanimously adopted the final report and implementation plan on diversity at its March 23 meeting.  
The report reaffirms and deepens AAPOR’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. The implementation plan outlines an ambitious seven-point strategy to increase diversity within the organization and establishes timelines for accomplishing those goals. Taken together, the steps detailed in the plan mark a major step forward in the organization’s efforts to represent all members of the AAPOR community.

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AAPOR Behind the Scenes

Much of AAPOR’s activities take place behind the scenes.  For example, AAPOR currently has four task forces operating—one on the future of telephone interviewing, one on election polling, one of the survey climate, and one on data falsification.  In this month’s newsletter, I’d like to update you on the work of these task forces, and also bring you some news about the association’s very successful fundraising efforts in the last year.  I think you’ll agree that there’s a lot of hard work going on!

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Election 2016: What it means for you and for AAPOR

By the time you are reading this, the first of the 2016 Presidential primaries will be over and the first round of media stories about “how did the polls do?” will be flying through your social media feeds. This is the official beginning of what promises to be 10 straight months of such stories and such focus. Even for those of us not involved in election polling, this period will bring heightened scrutiny and attention to all of our work. Your friends, your family members, and your clients will likely bring up the performance of the polls. If election polling is your bread and butter, you are even more attuned to the claims and complaints, and living in the crossfire of every journalist, pundit, individual with a Twitter account, and often the campaigns and the candidates themselves.

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Election Polling Resources Available

Election polling, like the 2016 presidential campaign, can sometimes be confusing. To help cut through the clutter, AAPOR has just published a series of informational backgrounders on critical aspects of election polling.

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AAPOR Protecting Respondent Confidentiality in Litigation Surveys

AAPOR Statement on Protecting Respondent Confidentiality in Litigation Surveys Background Survey research offers multiple, practical benefits in both litigation and non-litigation contexts, particularly where information must be gathered from a large number of individuals and analyzed. According to the Federal Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, (3rd Ed., at 417): “[O]ne of the advantages of a survey is […]

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