
January Executive Council Meeting Wrap-Up


Welcome to 2025! The AAPOR Executive Council just held our January meeting, and we are pleased with the progress our committees have made and excited about the upcoming conference. Acceptance notifications will go out in the second week of February, followed by a window for any necessary changes to accepted abstracts. Whether you submitted an abstract or not, please be sure to renew your membership.

At the meeting, we finalized the slate of candidates for new councilors and voting will begin in March. All members will receive an email with a link to vote.

We also kicked off a governance review, a priority from last year’s strategic plan. The governance review will allow us to assess the effectiveness of AAPOR’s current structure in supporting our mission and vision. A task force of AAPOR members will lead this effort, with guidance from Vista Cova, the consultancy behind our strategic plan. If you’re interested in contributing, especially if you have governance experience, please reach out to me.

Our vision remains a world where valid, transparent data informs societal decisions. I look forward to hearing your feedback, questions, or suggestions as we implement this vision.


Frauke Kreuter
AAPOR President