
Establishment Survey Affinity Group – we get down to business (and schools, and hospitals, and prisons, and governments, and libraries, and….)


Establishment Survey Affinity Group – we get down to business (and schools, and hospitals, and prisons, and governments, and libraries, and….)

Are you working on a project that involves institutions?  Is your unit of collection, analysis, or reporting a place, not a person?  Are you running into issues, having questions, or wanting to collaborate on your project?  Come check out the Establishment Survey Affinity (ESA) Group!

What is the Establishment Survey Affinity (ESA) Group?

We are a group of AAPOR members who engage in research focused on institutions – like businesses, schools, governments, prisons, and many others.  We include researchers from all parts of the establishment survey lifecycle in all research sectors.  We are guided by three principles:

What we do?

The ESA was founded in 2022.  Since then, we have worked hard to build out our community of scholarship.  We have a dedicated AAPOR listserv for the affinity group where members can post questions, share knowledge, and keep each other informed on events.  We host an information booth at the annual AAPOR conference (where we distribute “establish-mints” to those who visit), at least one conference session dedicated to recent developments in establishment survey research, and an in-person membership meeting to get to know each other and set the annual agenda.  And, we participate in communication campaigns through AAPOR to bring together establishment survey researchers.

We also host quarterly “jam sessions” – opportunities to talk through common issues in establishment surveys with other experts.  These casual sessions are great for anyone who:

Topics have included: minimizing costs while maximizing recruitment; evaluating third-party data for establishment survey frame development; establishment survey-specific disclosure avoidance considerations; and best practices for impactful survey invitations.

What do we have coming up?

In 2025, we will once again host a session at the upcoming AAPOR Conference, hold our in-person membership meeting, and welcome visitors to our booth at the welcome reception.  We will hold our quarterly jam sessions to talk through pressing issues on current projects.  We are considering other ways of engaging members, in-person and virtually!

How do I join?

It’s easy to be a part of our community!  You can select the ESA when you renew your AAPOR membership.  If you have already renewed (thank you!), you can use the link below to be added to the ESA listserv and be informed of our upcoming activities:  ESA Opt-in Form Link.  Send any questions to our leadership team:  Melissa Cidade,; Jason Kosakow:; and/or Josh Langeland,

Looking forward to establish-ing your membership in our group!!!