
Election Polling Resources Available


Election polling, like the 2016 presidential campaign, can sometimes be confusing. To help cut through the clutter, AAPOR has just published a series of informational backgrounders on critical aspects of election polling.

The briefs, written by some of the country’s leading experts in survey methods and election polling, offer concise, non-technical explanations of techniques that are central to political polling, including how pollsters identify likely voters and a description of how exit polls are conducted.

Other briefs examine some of the emerging issues in political polling, including the rise of poll aggregators, the use of non-probability samples in election polls and a look at the controversial phenomenon known as “herding”.

These briefs can be found on the newly redesigned and expanded Election Polling Resources page on the AAPOR website. They are intended to complement and not to replace more detailed task force reports or other resources available to researchers elsewhere on the AAPOR website. Instead, the backgrounders are designed to provide the media and interested citizens with a brief but authoritative introduction to each of the topics.

Among the subjects covered:

In addition, Timothy Johnson, chair of AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative Coordinating Committee, is preparing a short introduction to the Transparency Initiative that will be posted on this page soon.

The Election Polling Resources page also includes an updated version of “A PRIMER ON PRE-ELECTION POLLS: Or Why Different Election Polls Sometimes Have Different Results” by former AAPOR president Cliff Zukin of Rutgers University.