In Memoriam

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AAPOR recognizes and gives tribute to those who have passed through their work to advance the field of public opinion research.

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Don A. Dillman, 82, Washington State University Regents Professor Emeritus, passed away Friday, June 14, 2024, at the Pullman Regional Hospital after a year-long battle with acute myeloid leukemia.

Don was internationally recognized as a leading expert in survey methodology. Over his 55-year career he used experimental studies to establish standards and best practices that changed how researchers around the world conduct surveys. A devoted husband and professional colleague to Joye, father to Andrew and Melody, he will be sorely missed by his family, colleagues, friends and his many former students.

Don was born Oct. 24, 1941, in Lucas County, Iowa, to Floyd and Mildred Dillman. Surviving polio at the age of five led to a life of gratitude and joyous appreciation. He spent his first 17 years on a 160-acre family farm near the small town of Williamson. Years later when asked why he didn’t become a farmer, his answer invariably included memories of milking cows when it was 20 below zero.

It was his involvement in 4-H programs as a child that introduced Don to people beyond his rural community, including research extension agents and college students who worked with 4-H kids. His first visit to Iowa State College was to attend a summer 4-H short course held on campus, providing a glimpse of a possible future life outside farming.

After graduating Chariton High School in 1959 he started classes at Iowa State University as an agronomy major. He also pursued his interest in music as a member of the Iowa State Marching Band. And he remained active with 4-H where he made connections with other rural Iowa students, including Joye Jolly from Pleasantville who would become his wife of 60 years.

In 1963, Don represented Iowa 4-H club members as an International Farm Youth Exchange delegate to Poland, a six-month experience that exposed him to a world far beyond Iowa. His fellow IFYE travelers became lifelong friends. Another transformational moment was a rural sociology course taught by Joe Bohlen, inspiring Don to pursue graduate school in sociology. Don went on to earn his Masters (1966) and Ph.D. (1969) at ISU while working as a research assistant exploring social action efforts, often using in person interviews to gather data. One of his final projects before graduation was the design of his first telephone survey, a formative event that led to his career as a survey methodologist.

Don joined the WSU faculty in the fall of 1969 as an assistant professor with a joint appointment between the Departments of Sociology and the Department of Rural Sociology. The following year a student strike prompted a need to conduct a telephone survey of students, for which Don was given funding to setup the Public Opinion Laboratory, one of the first university-based telephone survey labs. This would become known as the Social and Economic Sciences Research Center, where Don served as director (1985–1996) and then deputy director for Research and Development (1996–2024). Don helped the center to bring in millions of dollars in research grants to WSU.

His work and experiments during his early years at WSU led to publication of Mail and Telephone Surveys: The Total Design Method (1978), the first book to provide detailed procedures for conducting surveys, often referred to as the ‘bible’ for conducting mail surveys. Now in its fourth edition, Internet, Phone, Mail and Mixed-Mode Surveys, The Tailored Design Method (Dillman, Smyth and Christian, 2014), it remains a leading text in the field, and a fifth edition is in progress.

At WSU Don held a variety of leadership positions and was recognized with numerous awards including presenter of the Distinguished Faculty Address (1985), the Sahlin Faculty Excellence Award for Research (1995), and the Eminent Faculty Award (2002), WSU’s highest faculty honor.

Don served as a senior survey methodologist for the U.S. Bureau of the Census from 1991–1995, where he focused on modernizing questionnaire designs and implementation procedures for the 2000 Census. Don held memberships in many professional organizations, including the American Association of Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), where he served as president in 2001–2002. In 2003, he received the AAPOR Award for Exceptionally Distinguished Achievement, the highest honor awarded in the U.S. in the field of public opinion research.

The professional accomplishment Don was most proud of was the many graduate students he trained and advised over his career. He believed he learned as much from them as they did from him. The satisfaction he got from his work was not in the discovery itself, but in seeing ideas put into practice by colleagues and professionals around the world. Don strongly believed that the mission of a land-grant university like WSU is to share new knowledge through outreach to the community, a mission he lived his whole career. He explored that mission in his latest book, a biography, You Have Been Randomly Selected: A Life Dedicated to Turning Research Findings Into Practical Applications (WSU Press, July 2024).

Don traveled extensively for both professional activities and vacations. He visited over 40 countries, making it to every continent except Antarctica, and racking up over three million miles on United Airlines. His favorite place to return to was Hawaii—especially Kauai—where he and Joye celebrated their anniversary many times.

Don’s interest in genealogy led to collaborations with distant cousins, including co-editing a book published last year on his family association’s research efforts. His interests included gardening, birding, reading (especially biographies) and talking about politics, usually while enjoying a glass of Chardonnay. He was delighted to attend the Palouse Dance Club for almost 30 years. Somehow, he still found time to go swimming three times a week. His was a life lived well and to the fullest to the last day.

Don is survived by his wife, Joye Jolly Dillman, son Andrew Dillman (Daric Craven), daughter Melody Dillman (David Jensen), grandson Zachary Dillman, and his favorite Boston terrier, Sunny.

Obituary provided by the family.

Will Lester, a longtime reporter and editor for The Associated Press who played a critical role in the news organization’s 2000 election-night decision not to call the presidential race, died Wednesday. He was 71.

According to his family, Lester died unexpectedly at his home in Maryland.

Fellow AP employees held Lester’s good nature in equal measure of esteem with his dedication to covering the news. Executive Editor Julie Pace, who previously served as Washington bureau chief, said Lester “represented the best of AP,” calling him “a dedicated editor who cared deeply about his craft,” as well as “an incredibly kind person who treated everyone with respect and decency.”

A native of Atlanta and a graduate of Emory University, Lester began his decades-long journalism career at The Lancaster News in Lancaster, South Carolina. After a stint at The Columbia Record, he moved to The Associated Press in 1982, serving as a reporter and news editor in the Columbia, South Carolina, office.

After that came his time in AP’s Miami office, where Lester served as news editor before reporting on politics. It was that Florida political expertise that would come to serve both Lester and the AP invaluably after he joined the Washington bureau in 1998.

Former Washington bureau chief Sandy Johnson recalled how Lester’s “critical voice” and in-depth knowledge of Florida politics helped steer AP through the murky waters of the 2000 presidential race between George W. Bush and Al Gore, as television networks called the presidency for Bush and then retracted it.

Lester was part of the AP team that was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for work on that longest of election nights, an honor Johnson called “a fine legacy for a much-admired colleague.”

Carole Feldman, news editor in Washington, recalled Lester hosting parties on the Chesapeake Bay for AP staff and their families, as well as his commitment to “keeping the Halloween pumpkin we kept on our editing desk filled with candy year round. He regarded the AP as his family, and he demonstrated that every day,” she said.

“Will always had a sense of humor and, better still, perspective when all hell was breaking loose,” said Bruce Smith, a retired AP correspondent in South Carolina who recalled a time when an angry state senator confronted Lester after he had written an unfavorable story.

“Will held up his tape recorder and told him something to the effect of ‘Senator, I have everything you said right here on tape,’ to which the senator sneered ‘Son, your tape — it lies’

“Will always laughed about that one,” Smith added.

Anna Johnson, AP’s Washington bureau chief, called him “an extremely kind and generous colleague who always had a nice word to say about the people he worked with.”

Beyond his work covering the news, Lester was remembered for his dedication to supporting fellow journalists. Serving as a co-steward of the Washington shop for the union that represents AP journalists, Lester helped lead efforts to recruit new members and innovate ways to help keep employees engaged with negotiations.

As tributes to him rolled in on social media, many colleagues shared a common refrain, “Will always had my back,” several said. “Will had all of our backs,” replied another.

Lester also helped lead the awards program for the National Press Club, whose president Emily Wilkins said she was “always struck by his passion and dedication to recognizing and honoring the work of his peers.”

Retired AP editor Merrill Hartson perhaps best encapsulated Lester’s multi-faceted talents and dogged sense for news: “When there was a Will, there was a way.”

From the Washington Post

Katherine Wallman, chief statistician of the United States (retired), died on January 17, 2024, at age 80 after a short illness. It is hard to overstate the extent to which she embodied and contributed to the federal statistical system during her long career of federal service. She began her career in federal statistics at the National Center for Education Statistics, where she helped fund CNSTAT’s first study on setting statistical priorities. She then served in the chief statistician’s office in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget and in the Commerce Department (the policy and standards setting part of the office was moved there briefly). She left federal service in 1981 to become the first executive director of the newly formed Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics (COPAFS), established to speak for the value of federal statistics during an era of severe budget cuts. During that time, she served on the CNSTAT panel that produced Surveying the Nation’s Scientists and Engineers: A Data System for the 1990s (1989). She was COPAFS executive director until 1992 when she became the chief statistician and head of the OMB Statistical and Science Policy Office, a post she held until her retirement from federal service at the beginning of 2017. In her role as chief statistician, she represented the United States at international organizations including the UN and OECD, serving as the chair of the UN Statistical Commission (the highest body governing international statistical policy), and twice serving as chair of the Conference of European Statisticians, UN Economic Commission for Europe. Among her many accomplishments as chief statistician were overseeing the revision of Statistical Policy Directive No. 15 on race and ethnicity classification in 1997; the enactment of the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 and the issuance of Statistical Policy Directive No. 1 on Fundamental Responsibilities of Federal Statistical Agencies and Recognized Statistical units in 2014 (both now part of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018); and the development of guidance from an Interagency Technical Working Group (which she co-chaired) that led to publication of the Supplemental Poverty Measure (based on the 1995 CNSTAT report, Measuring Poverty: A New Approach) in 2011. Each of these initiatives and many others required her boundless energy, her steadfast dedication, and her legendary skills in bringing people and agencies with different viewpoints together for the common good.

She remained active professionally after her retirement, serving on the Council of the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research at the University of Michigan, the Board of the Association of Public Data Users, the Population Association of America Committee on Population Statistics, the American Statistical Association Task Force on 2020 Census Quality Indicators, the CNSTAT panel that produced A Vision and Roadmap for Education Statistics (2022), and numerous projects with the ASA Science Policy Office in support of federal statistics. Over her career she retained special interest in increasing cooperation between the several levels of government in the production of national statistics, strengthening the interface between academic and government statisticians, and enhancing the statistical literacy of the public. A Presidential Meritorious Executive, she was an elected member of the International Statistical Institute, a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a founding member of the International Association for Official Statistics. She was a leader in the American Statistical Association, elected as a fellow in 1983, serving as president in 1992, and receiving its Founders Award in 2007. She received a B.A. in sociology from Wellesley

From the Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT)


Chintan Turakhia passed away on December 24, 2023.  Chintan was the Executive Vice President and Chief Products Officer at SSRS. He was the architect of the SSRS Opinion Panel and was instrumental in its growth and development.

In 30+ years as a researcher, Chintan’s experience and expertise touched on all phases of survey research. His leadership in our field spanned social science research, public opinion polling, methodological innovation, and specifically, probability panel design and development.  He spent a large portion of his career at Abt SRBI where his innovative approaches and genuine passion for research made a lasting impact.  A nationally renowned expert on probability-based online panels and data collection platforms, he took immense pride in his work, and we are incredibly thankful for his contributions to our industry.

Chintan was very involved with key industry associations.  He was an active member of AAPOR for many years and a prominent figure in NYAAPOR, including time as the president of that chapter.  A truly kind person, Chintan was a mentor to many at SSRS and beyond.  He will be deeply missed by the AAPOR community.

Above all, Chintan was a family man. He loved speaking about his wife Jigisha and was incredibly proud of his two sons and their accomplishments.

Philip Meyer, a former reporter who pioneered new ways to incorporate data, quantitative methods and computers into investigative journalism, died on Saturday at his home in Carrboro, N.C., a suburb of Chapel Hill. He was 93.

His daughter Melissa Meyer said the cause was complications of Parkinson’s disease.

With a career spanning the latter half of the 20th century and several years into the 21st, Mr. Meyer was at the center of a revolution within the craft and business of journalism — a revolution that, to a large degree, he helped shape.

When he began working as an assistant editor at The Topeka Daily Capital in Kansas in the mid-1950s, computers were room-size, turtle-speed contraptions, and reporting was done mostly through interviews, with the occasional trip to the library or the government records office.

Mr. Meyer was among the few reporters who saw the growing power of computers to crunch data and produce new insight into complex questions.

His breakthrough came in 1967, in the aftermath of the Detroit riot that summer. Mr. Meyer, by then a national correspondent for The Akron Beacon Journal in Ohio, had spent the previous year at Harvard on a Nieman fellowship for journalists, intending to study how pollsters used computers to manipulate data.

Instead, he realized the possibility of using computers in his own work. He took courses, learned code and even devoted time to using an IBM mainframe computer.

He went to The Detroit Free Press, which, like The Beacon Journal, was a Knight-Ridder paper, as a favor to the editor, who said that his own reporters were exhausted and he needed fresh bodies.

Mr. Meyer immediately seized on a claim, common in the news media, that the rioters had mostly been poor, uneducated Black migrants from the South. He gathered as much demographic data as he could, ran it through a computer and got a much different picture: The rioters were more likely to be locally born, and were spread evenly across the socioeconomic spectrum.

A year later, Mr. Meyer shared in the Pulitzer Prize for local general or spot news reporting, which went to The Detroit Free Press for its coverage of the riot.

That work earned Mr. Meyer national recognition as the leading thinker on bringing social-science methods into reporting. He summed up his approach in his book “Precision Journalism: A Reporter’s Introduction to Social Science Methods,” published in 1973 and today considered one of the most important books about reporting ever written.

“They are raising the ante on what it takes to be a journalist,” he wrote in his first chapter. Today, he said, “a reporter has to be a database manager, a data processor and a data analyst.”

Not everyone agreed. In the early 1970s, Mr. Meyer consulted with two investigative reporters at The Philadelphia Inquirer, Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele, for a seven-part series analyzing whether judges were too lenient on violent offenders.

Many politicians said yes. But the trio, using a program Mr. Meyer wrote for a mainframe rented from a Maryland defense contractor, showed that the answer was conclusively no.

The series, “Crime and Injustice,” won several awards. But it was shut out from the Pulitzers, Mr. Steele said he was later told, by jurors who insisted that their work was not journalism.

“There was a lot of built-up resistance to something like that,” Mr. Steele said in a phone interview. “That didn’t seem like it was traditional reporting.”

That opposition weakened over time, as computers became central to daily life and reporters became comfortable with using data in a rigorous fashion, not as a replacement for traditional methods but as a supplement — a change instigated and guided by Mr. Meyer.

“One of the things that I think Phil did so well was help us eliminate the idea that there is a tension between narrative and deep, deep on-the-ground reporting and more disciplined — what he would call precision — journalism,” Sarah Cohen, a journalism professor at Arizona State University, said by phone. “That they can stand side by side and in the same pieces, and that each can be made stronger by the other.”

Philip Edward Meyer was born on Oct. 27, 1930, in Deshler, a small town in southeastern Nebraska, and grew up in and around Clay Center, Kan., across the border. His father, Elmer, owned a hardware store, and his mother, Hilda (Morrison) Meyer, was a teacher and grocery-store cashier.

Philip learned to cover issues in science and technology at Kansas State University and graduated in 1952 with a degree in technical journalism. He then spent two years in the Navy as a public-information officer.

He returned to Kansas in 1954 to work as an editor at The Topeka Daily Capital. He married Sue Quail, a fellow staff member at the paper, in 1956. She died in 2021.

Along with his daughter Melissa, Mr. Meyer is survived by two other daughters, Kathy Lucente and Sarah Meyer; a brother, John; eight grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Another daughter, Caroline Meyer, died in 2020.

Mr. Meyer received a master’s degree in political science from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, in 1958. He and his family then moved to Miami, where he worked as an education reporter for The Miami Herald.

Four years later he became a Washington correspondent for The Akron Beacon Journal. He served as a national correspondent and director of news research for Knight-Ridder before joining the journalism faculty at Chapel Hill in 1981. He retired in 2008.

As a professor, he wrote widely on journalism ethics and the newspaper business. His book “The Vanishing Newspaper: Saving Journalism in the Information Age” (2004) predicted that the steady decline of newspapers would continue unless they found a new way to engage with audiences — a prediction that has been largely borne out.

He was equally prescient about the ways in which changes in the economic model of journalism shifted the boundaries around conversations about objectivity — a change he welcomed.

“As the audience fragments, trust is still important,” he wrote in USA Today in 2004. “But it should be based on getting the facts right, not on the pseudo-objectivity that comes from a journalist concealing his or her views.”

Johnny Blair died November 6, 2023 in Washington, DC.  He was 78.  Johnny was born and raised in Chicago and received his B.A. at the University of Illinois, where he then worked at the university’s Survey Research Lab in Champaign and was mentored by Seymour Sudman.  In 1989 he became associate director of the University of Maryland Survey Research Center, which he essentially ran for the next dozen years until leaving to become  principal scientist and senior survey methodologist at Abt Associates.
He published important work on sampling rare populations, within household selection procedures, pretesting questionnaires, and proxy reporting.  In addition, he co-authored two survey methods textbooks Designing Surveys: A Guide to Decisions and Procedures (the first and second editions with Ronald Czaja and the third edition with Czaja and Edward Blair) and Applied Survey Sampling with Edward Blair.  Notable among his professional activities were serving on the Public Opinion Quarterly editorial board and on the Design and Analysis Committee of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), often called The Nation’s Report Card. These accomplishments were recognized by his election as a fellow of the American Statistical Association in 2014.
Johnny was a superb conversationalist and wonderful friend.  Indeed, he was one of a kind, for example, he had read every word Samuel Beckett published in English.  He is survived by his wife Cozette (“Cookie”) Ballesteros.


Richard B. “Dick” Warnecke passed away on Friday, August 19, 2022, just a few days short of his 85th birthday and the 59th anniversary of his marriage to his beloved wife, Barbara. He was born in Brooklyn, NY on August 23, 1937, to Robert and Althea Warnecke.

After graduating from Cornell University in 1959, where he was in the Naval ROTC program, Dick served two years of active duty as a naval officer. Following his military service, he earned a Master’s degree from Colgate and a Ph.D. in Sociology from Duke. After a short period at the State University of New York at Buffalo, Dick and his family moved to the Chicago area where he was a faculty member at the University of Illinois at Chicago for nearly 50 years, holding appointments in Public Policy, Sociology and Public Health.

For much of that time, he was Asst. Director and then Director of the University of Illinois Survey Research Laboratory. After his official retirement in 2007, he continued to serve in various roles in UIC’s Health Research and Policy Centers and at the UIC Cancer Center. Over the course of his long career, Dick conducted research and community outreach that provided immeasurable service to women at risk for and with cancer. He worked to develop and implement interventions that made a difference in women’s lives. Early in his career, his research centered on Illinois’ cancer information needs, and he strongly influenced the creation of the state cancer registry in the mid-1980s.

Dick next turned his attention to smoking, focusing on the fact that more women die from lung cancer than from any other cancer. He led a team to develop a set of novel media-based smoking cessation approaches specifically targeted to women.

Later in his career, Dick and his team worked to better understand why Black women with breast cancer are more likely than their white counterparts to be diagnosed with late-stage, high-grade disease and more aggressive subtypes of breast cancer. In his distinguished career, Dick published more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers along with numerous book chapters.

He made a special effort to recruit and mentor junior investigators from underrepresented minority groups and was influential in launching the careers of many researchers who followed in his footsteps to address health disparities. To read more about Dick’s life and impact on the field, please click here.


AAPOR mourns the loss of Elihu Katz, Distinguished Trustee Emeritus Professor of Communication at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication, who passed away in his home in Jerusalem on December 31, 2021, at the age of 95.  For well over half a century, his scholarship has been foundational to public opinion research as well as to the formation and development of the field of communication and media studies.

Elihu’s intellectual and geographic journey was a rich and rewarding one. He received his BA, MA, and PhD (all in sociology) from Columbia University. At the time, Columbia’s Bureau of Applied Social Research and its collection of eminent theorists and researchers were engaged in applied and scholarly studies on the influence of various forms of interpersonal and mass communications. The Bureau was also a leader in developing a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods and research designs for measuring public opinion and media effects.

Elihu was more than a student during this nascent period, working as a research associate at the Bureau and later holding a lecturer position in Columbia’s Department of Sociology and School of General Studies. During this time, he coauthored (with Paul Lazarsfeld) Personal Influence: The Part Played by People in the Flow of Mass Communications, selected by AAPOR as one of the fifty books that most shaped public opinion research. Serving as first author on this ambitious project, the book and related work established the “two-step flow” theory of communication, a theory that remains the subject of study and debate to this day and that has gained new purchase as research and theorizing on social networks and social media have blossomed. Personal Influence has been so significant to the field that it was republished on its 50th anniversary with a new and insightful introduction by Katz.

Few scholars ever produce a work with the import of Personal Influence, but this was only the beginning for Elihu. He went on to a distinguished career, first at the University of Chicago’s Department of Sociology, then as a professor of sociology and communication at Hebrew University, and finally as the Distinguished Trustee Professor of Communication at Penn’s Annenberg School. Along the way, he also held visiting professorships at the University of Manchester (England), the University of Padua (Italy), Keio University (Japan), and the University of Vienna (Austria). From the mid-1980s until 1993, when he joined Penn’s Annenberg School, he spent half of each year at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School.  To read more about Elihu’s life and impact on the field, please click here.

Walter K Lindenmann died on Saturday, May 1, 2021, at the age of 84. Walter was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. on October 26, 1936, the son of the late Karl and Elsie Lindenmann. He was an Honorary Life Member of AAPOR.

Walter started his career as a newsman for United Press International, and was the education editor for the Denver Post and the Hartford Times. As a public relations executive, he managed the research departments. He was director of Survey Research of Hill and Knowlton, Inc. and President of its research subsidiary, Group Attitudes Corporation, from 1976 to 1985. He created the Research Department of Ketchum Worldwide and served as the company’s Senior Vice President/Director of Research from 1987 to 2000. He also served as Director of University Relations at Hofstra University, as Assistant Director of Public Information for the Connecticut State Department of Education, as a public relations account supervisor at Hill and Knowlton Inc., and as manager of Opinion Research Corporation.

Walter lectured extensively in the United States and also Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Italy, the Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Singapore and Spain.

For several years, he served as a visiting adjunct professor of public relations research at Syracuse University and Virginia Commonwealth University.

In 1999, Walter was named by PR Week as one of the 100 most influential public relations professionals of the 20th century.

Walter earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Queens College in New York City, a master’s degree in journalism and a PhD in sociology from Columbia University. While at Queens College, he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and was a member of the Lutheran Club, where he met his wife, Ellen.

Walter and Ellen lived in Denver, West Hartford, Port Chester, and Dix Hills, N.Y. The couple retired to Lake Monticello, Va. in 2000. Walter was active in Grace and Glory Lutheran Church, the Fluvanna Flutterwheels square dance club, and the Friendship Force of Charlottesville, Va.

Walter loved the opera, traveling, and camping with his family. He loved sports and was an avid fan of Notre Dame.

He is survived by his wife of 58 years, Ellen Ann, a former New York City teacher and guidance counselor; four children, Melanie Brooks, Paul and his wife Cathy, Mark and his wife Karen and Meredith and her husband James Wankel; eight grandchildren, Christine, Renee, Kathryn, Eve, Gage, Max, Julianna and Jessica; sister, Annemarie Noto; and sister-in-law Arlene Benzmiller. He was preceded in death by two grandchildren, Keith, and Alyson Brooks.

There will be a memorial service to celebrate Walters’ life at a later date.

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to Grace and Glory Lutheran Church at 683 Thomas Jefferson Parkway, Palmyra, VA 22963, or the Hospice of the Piedmont.

Howard Schuman died Sunday, April 18, 2021, in Maine, where he lived for 26 years. He was 93 and had been married to Josephine Miles Schuman for 70 years until she died the month before him. They are survived by their three children, Marc, Elisabeth, and Wade.

Howard was a professor in the University of Michigan sociology department for 32 years and directed the Michigan Survey Research Center from 1982-1990. An Honorary Life Member of AAPOR, Howard served as POQ editor (1986-1993) and AAPOR president (1986-1987). His research, much of it in collaboration with other AAPOR members, has had an enduring influence. One of his books, Questions and Answers in Attitude Surveys: Experiments on Question Form, Wording, and Context, co-authored with Stanley Presser, is on AAPOR’s 1995 list of “50 Books that Have Shaped Public Opinion Research.” Another of his books, Racial Attitudes in America: Trends and Interpretations, co-authored with Charlotte Steeh, Lawrence Bobo, and Maria Krysan, won the AAPOR Book Award in 2005. He worked almost to the end, co-authoring the book Generations and Collective Memory with Amy Corning when he was 87.

Lars was born near Stockholm on December 1, 1944, and spent much of his life in Stockholm.

He studied statistics at Stockholm University where he gained a doctorate under the supervision of Tore Dalenius, an early innovator in survey statistics. Like most Swedes he also had a stint of military service. He started his professional work career at Statistics Sweden in 1966 and spent the next 44 years there, culminating in his appointment as head of the Research and Development Department.

Since retiring from Statistics Sweden, he worked as a consultant in survey methods and quality management. Since 2003 he taught at Stockholm University with professorial status in recognition of his past contributions. He continued teaching post-retirement.
Some of his notable contributions include:

  • Developer and Founding Editor of the Journal of Official Statistics in 1985 which continues to perform strongly with a high impact factor. He was Editor-in-Chief for 25 years.
  • Elected President of the International Association of Survey Statisticians for 2 years from 1993 to 1995.
  • Elected member of the International Statistical Institute.
  • Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.
  • Fellow of the American Statistical Association.
  • Chair of Survey Methods Section at American Statistical Association.
  • Represented Sweden in the development of ISO Standard 20252 on Market, Opinion and Social Research.
  • Taught methodology issues in the survey field in over ten countries.
  • Member of the European Statistical Governance Advisory Board.

Lars wrote or edited twelve books, eight in the Wiley series in Survey Methodology. These latter include Data Quality Assurance (1977), Telephone Survey Methodology (1988), Measurement Errors in Surveys (1991), Survey Measurement and Process Quality (1997), Introduction to Survey Quality (2003), Survey Methods in Multicultural, Multinational, and Multiregional Contexts (2010), and Total Survey Error in Practice (2017). The 2010 book won the 2013 American Association in Public Opinion Research’s Book Award which recognizes “books that have influenced our understanding of public opinion or survey research methodology.” His latest contributions include Big Data Meets Survey Science: A Collection of Innovative Methods (2020) and a yet-to-be-published volume on computational social science. Lars also wrote numerous journal articles and book chapters on survey methods and quality. His work at the intersection of total survey error and survey quality has had a profound impact on how survey programs and organizations manage for survey quality.

Lars maintained active membership in:

  • International Association for Survey Statisticians;
  • International Association for Official Statistics;
  • American Society for Quality;
  • American Association for Public Opinion Research;
  • American Statistical Association; and
  • Swedish Statistical Society.

Lars was a very effective statistician at Statistics Sweden, specializing in survey methods, but he was probably best known for his external contributions and international collaborations. Lars began his interest in international collaborations when his mentor, Dalenius, left Stockholm University to teach at Brown University in the U.S. Dalenius invited Lars to Brown and introduced him to U.S. colleagues working in the field. Lars became a highly effective international collaborator who has been described as modest by nature, generous of his time to help others, and a mentor to many younger survey researchers. A long-time colleague and friend recently wrote:

His leadership derived partly from his humility.  He was quiet, always; listening, always. And when everyone had their say, he would invent ways to push good ideas forward.  He would respect the idea and subordinate his role, if necessary, to promote the idea.  Often, no one noticed he was leading us.  One of the rarest, and thus most admirable, trait of scholars is humility.

There are three notable examples of where Lars organized and brought together survey researchers to examine critical research challenges facing the industry. He was one of the founders of three highly successful and ongoing yearly workshops: the International Workshop on Household Survey Nonresponse (in its 31st year), the International Total Survey Error Workshop (in its 16th year) and the International Comparative Survey Design and Implementation Workshop (in its 19th year). His contributions to the field also include service on more than 50 international advisory committees.

Lars has been one of the giants of survey methods. He was the winner of the 2012 American Statistical Association’s Waksberg Award for his lengthy and valuable contribution to survey methodology. He won the 2013 World Association for Public Opinion Research’s Helen Dinerman Award as well as the 2018 American Association for Public Opinion Research Lifetime Achievement Award. The citation from the Dinerman Award provides an excellent summary of his contributions.

He received the award for his rigorous introduction of the concept of quality in the design, operation, and management of surveys”, his “efforts to improve data quality and minimize total survey error during his long-career at Statistics Sweden”, his profound influence on the international survey-research community and his work as founding editor of the Journal of Official Statistics  (JOS), which “besides being one of the top journals in the field is freely available to readers”. The award is also won for being “co-author and co-editor of many of the leading books on survey-research methods over the last 40 years.” As formulated in the diploma: “Contributing to any of these volumes would mark Lyberg as a star, collectively they make him a constellation. Additionally, he has made important contributions to many international organizations in the field of statistics and survey research.” Among the contributions listed is providing leadership to the worldwide development of survey methodology. The award is given for “outstanding contributions to survey methodology.”

Lars had many interests besides statistics—especially sports where he had encyclopaedic knowledge, especially with regard to tennis, football (soccer) and American baseball. Indeed, he was an excellent tennis player in his younger days and refereed international tennis matches. He enjoyed telling stories of arguing with the likes of Bjorn Borg over line calls. A colleague and good friend recently shared some of his fondest memories:

But we were much more than colleagues; we were friends.  We took several trips to Spring Training in Florida over the years.  The trips lasted for 10 days, and we were on the road four of those days. Of course, I had to introduce him to southern cooking along the way. We spent a lot of time talking about survey methodology, but there was so much more.  In the beginning, we would get to two games a day.  As we got older, we settled for one.  Lars was an Oriole fan, and I was a Yankee fan.  We had to see the Orioles and Yankees at least once.  It was great when the two teams were playing each other.  I know that those trips were among the high points in my life, and I hope that was true for Lars.  I know we will all miss him terribly.

Lars is survived by his partner, Lilli Japec, a fellow statistician at Statistics Sweden, who also became head of Research and Development subsequent to Lars’ retirement; his two adult sons, Luis and Carlos, adopted from Bolivia during his first marriage; and hundreds of friends, colleagues and students.


AAPOR mourns Joe L. Spaeth, who died December 19 at his home in Corvallis, Oregon. He and his wife, Mary Nichols Arragon Spaeth, were Honorary Life Members of AAPOR.

Joe’s foci were the sociology of education, quantitative analysis including methods such as path analysis, social and occupational stratification, and the sociology of organizations. He was a principal investigator and one of the designers of the 1991 National Organizations Study.

Joe received a Master’s degree in 1958 and a PhD in 1961, both from the University of Chicago in Sociology. His first positions were at units affiliated with the University of Chicago, primarily the National Opinion Research Center (NORC). After three years in research positions at the University of California/Berkeley, he returned to NORC as a Senior Study Director. In 1971 he joined the faculty of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with joint appointments in the Department of Sociology and the Survey Research Laboratory. Starting as an associate professor and research associate professor, he became a full professor and research professor in 1981 and remained in those positions until his retirement in 1993. He was also director of the university’s Social Science Quantitative Laboratory from 1981 to 1985.

AAPOR offers condolences to his friends, family and colleagues.

AAPOR mourns the loss of Janet Streicher, who died November 16, 2020. She had been the survey director for Baruch College Survey Center since 2015 and was an active member of AAPOR, the New York chapter of AAPOR (NYAAPOR) and World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR).

At the time of her death, Janet was serving as the chair of the Professional Standards Committee for WAPOR. She had also served in various leadership roles for AAPOR including chair of the Membership and Chapter Relations Committee and treasurer. Janet served two terms as the president of NYAAPOR and received NYAAPOR’s 2020 Harry W. O’Neill Outstanding Achievement Award.

Learn more about Janet on the WAPOR website and in this letter from NYAAPOR President Jay Mattlin. NYAAPOR is planning a virtual tribute for Janet and invites those who knew her to share memories of her on the NYAAPOR website. Janet’s family and friends are also gathering virtually to remember her on December 17, 7-8:30 ET. To attend or share any thoughts you would like read on your behalf, please email Marjorie Connelly.

Janet’s family, friends and colleagues miss her dearly and AAPOR offers condolences to everyone affected by her loss.

We are saddened to share that Jennifer Ann (Shields) Edgar, Ph.D., of Olney, Maryland, died unexpectedly Sunday, November, 8, 2020.

She earned her PhD from the University of Virginia in educational research and joined the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2003. There she served as a research psychologist for nine years and as director of the Behavioral Science Research Center for seven years. She became the associate commissioner for survey methods and research at the Bureau of Labor Statistics in April 2020.

Jennifer was a longtime member of AAPOR and DC-AAPOR who attended numerous AAPOR annual conferences. Her colleagues remember her wit, kindness and dedication to her work.

The family has asked that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made in Jennifer’s name to the Charlottesville Albemarle SPCA. Those wishing to donate can also contribute to her children’s college funds via this GoFundMe. To learn more about Jennifer or share a memory of her, see her obituary.

AAPOR offers condolences to her family, friends and colleagues.

Anne Schuetz was born in Lawler, Iowa on June 9, 1920.

She graduated from Omaha Central High School in 1937 and attended Creighton College in Omaha with a major in journalism. In the Fall of 1941, she became one of the earliest employees of the newly organized National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Denver. She soon headed the interviewing department and was also study director of various important projects.

One story she told was about how she and NORC founder Harry H. Field did pretesting under great time constraints. “Our secret Washington client wanted a telegraphic survey done that night. We wrote some tentative questions, and as supper time approached, Harry suggested that we go down to Larimer Street for dinner… We took a typewriter and carbon paper and between courses we would dash out on the street to pretest the questions, revise them and go again before dessert.” She was one of the original attendees of the 1946 Central City Conference on Public Opinion which led to the formal formation of the American Association for Public Opinion Research the following year. She left NORC in 1947 when it moved to the University of Chicago. It is likely she stayed on with the Opinion Research Center, a newly-created NORC affiliate at the University of Denver, headed by Don Cahalan, which closed in 1949. She then went to Germany for several years working with Cahalan as part of the Attitude Research unit of the military occupation administration in the US zone in Germany.

By 1953 she was back in the United States in Washington, DC working at the American Research Bureau founded by Cahalan in 1952. In 1957, a subsidiary, ARB Surveys, Inc. was started with Schuetz as its General Manager and in 1960 she was a Senior Research Analyst there. She later served in research positions in various units of the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons/School of Public Health. In 2010, the 65th AAPOR Conference recognized the then six surviving attendees of the Central City conference and Anne was one of two who attended in person. She passed away September 6, 2020.

Ashley Hyon, Vice President of Research & Survey Methods for Marketing Systems Group, died recently.

She had graduated with a Dual Major BBA in Marketing and International Business from Temple University and later completed her Masters in Survey Research at University of Connecticut.

Ashley served on the AAPOR Standard Definitions Committee and was one of the behind-the-scenes folks that keep the AAPOR conference running. She had served in a variety of roles – docent, judge, and conference support. Ashley led the 2018 Speed Networking event at the AAPOR Conference in Denver, ringing cowbells to bring in attendees.

She used her expertise to help clients with their survey designs and recruitment strategies for data collection. Ashley’s co-authored papers were published in Public Opinion Quarterly and the American Statistical Association’s JSM Proceedings.

Ashley was an active member in regional chapters and served the community as a President of the PANJAAPOR chapter. She saw people as the future of AAPOR: the melding of the breadth of knowledge from long-standing members with the new ideas and technical expertise of recent graduates and early career members.

Lauren Harris-Kojetin died peacefully at home with her husband on January 29, 2020, from metastatic cancer at age 56. Lauren became an AAPOR member in the early 1990’s and was an active AAPOR conference participant contributing to the profession with her many papers and presentations. She first met her husband Brian at an AAPOR conference in 1993.

Lauren served as the chief of the Long-Term Care Statistics Branch at the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). At NCHS, she oversaw a research program to design, collect, and produce statistical information on the supply, provision, and use of the major sectors of paid, regulated long-term care services. During her tenure, Dr. Harris-Kojetin led a major redesign of the program that replaced infrequent national surveys of nursing homes, residential care facilities, and home and hospice care, with the biennial National Study of Long-Term Care Providers, which uses administrative records for some sectors and collects survey data for sectors for which there are no national administrative data.

Prior to joining NCHS, Lauren led a research program at LeadingAge, an association of long term care providers, from 2002-2006. From 1995-2202, she was a senior researcher at RTI International, in Health Services, Economics, and Policy Research in the DC office, where she helped develop the Consumer Assessment of Health Plan Surveys (CAHPS). Prior to that, she worked at Response Analysis, Mathematica Policy Research, the Center for Survey Research at Indiana University, and the Eagleton Institute at Rutgers University. She published widely in a range of health and aging journals. Lauren earned her Ph.D. in political science from Rutgers University and was an elected fellow of the Gerontological Society of America.

Eleanor Ruth Gerber of Bowie, Maryland passed away on February 26, 2020 just shy of her 75th birthday on February 27. Eleanor was born in Washington, D.C. in 1945 and grew up in Queens, New York. She leaves behind her sister Judith Werner, niece Liz Werner and nephew Joseph Werner. Eleanor earned a Ph.D. in Anthropology in 1975 from the University of California, San Diego. Her doctoral dissertation was based on field work she did in Samoa. She also held a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from Barnard College, Columbia University, New York. She taught Anthropology at Allegheny College in Pennsylvania and George Mason University in Virginia. From 1992-2008 she worked as a research anthropologist and manager at the U.S. Census Bureau where she advocated for increased use of qualitative and ethnographic research methods. She made important contributions to including hard-to-count populations in surveys, design of survey questions on race and ethnicity, and research on respondent privacy and confidentiality. Her cognitive interviewer training courses were legendary and the foundation she laid for this work has lasted long past her time at the agency. Eleanor had a lifelong interest in artistic hobbies including drawing, clay sculpture and a variety of crafts such as painted boxes. She was well known at the Census Bureau for the intricacy and complexity of her doodles, which she maintained were useful for concentration. She sometimes framed her colored pencil “doodles” as art. After retiring she pursued her love for drawing and painting in acrylics. She also enjoyed bird watching and keeping up with close friends. In addition to being a wonderful sister, aunt and friend, Eleanor taught and mentored generations of future researchers and she will be sorely missed by her family, friends and colleagues.

Friends and colleagues are saddened to learn of the passing of Pearl R. Zinner in June of this past year, at the age of 99.  A New Yorker born and bred, Pearl Zinner joined NORC in 1951, first working out of the New York office as an interviewer at an hourly wage of 50 cents, moving through the survey department ranks, and becoming its director from 1963 until it closed operations in early 1985.  Pearl worked under Directors Clyde Hart, Peter Rossi, Norman Bradburn (3 or 4 times), Jim Davis, Ken Prewitt, and Robert Michael, and Presidents Phil DePoy and Craig Coelen. She eventually served as Special Assistant to the President, where her experience, good nature, and attention to detail were particularly valuable.

Zinner was an “operations person” who was in charge of many of NORC’s most important and challenging studies from the 1960s into the 1980s.   She especially focused on health surveys working with researchers from Columbia University, the New York Department of Health, and NIH. One example is described as follows (Hackett, 1991):

In 1973-74 NORC New York Office Director Pearl R. Zinner oversaw the execution of one of the most complicated follow-up data collections in NORC history. In the early 1950s, psychiatrist Thomas A. C. Rennie of Cornell University began the Midtown (Manhattan) Study, a survey that sought to capture how residents of midtown Manhattan are “dispersed along the entire spectrum of mental health variations…” Twenty years later NORC conducted the follow-up to the study … both those who remained in New York and those who had left. Many interviews were conducted in Europe and Asia as well as across the United States. Besides the length of time between the interview and the follow-up…the study was quite long. It had 385 main questions with hundreds more branching questions. The instrument include fifty-five observational items and a number of open-ended items. It could take as long as four hours to administer

The original Midtown Study had enlisted professional psychologists and social workers to act as interviewers, as was common for mental health studies then. For the follow-up, Pearl recruited and trained lay interviewers.  The success of those lay interviewers opened the door to future survey research on mental health topics using lay interviewers.

Pearl was project director or senior advisor for a number of national research projects, including notable health care research programs in the 1970s and 80s, including the Longitudinal Follow-Up to the National Material and Infant Health Care Survey (1990-93), National Medical Expenditure Survey (1988-90), and National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey (1979-80). She also led NORC teams for the Experimental Housing Allowance Program: Demand Experiment (1972-76) and the Evaluation of Follow-Through (1970-75). Under Pearl’s direction from 1964 to 1980, NORC’s New York office played a major role in national research programs and also undertook a series of research programs focused on the city and state, including the Five-Wave Study of Medical Facilities Utilization (1961-69); Reinterview of New York State High School Students, Surveys on Drug Use (1971-73); Utilization of Health and Other Social Services (1966); Physicians’ Attitudes Towards the New York State Abortion Act (1964-70); and the Survey of the Lower East Side (1961-64).

While she was rarely an author, her role in study design, questionnaire development, field management, and other essential data-collection tasks is mentioned in dozens of published acknowledgements.
Zinner was active in AAPOR and served on Council in the mid-1980s. She was an honorary life member of AAPOR.

Pearl Zinner’s AAPOR Heritage interview can be found here.

Jeff Hackett at NORC has offered to collect any communications and pass them on to Pearl’s family.  He can be reached at or at NORC, 30th floor, 55 East Monroe St, Chicago IL 60603.

Quotation from:  Hackett, J. (1992). America by number: National Opinion Research Center fiftieth anniversary report 1991. Chicago: NORC.

The following people contributed to this essay:  Dan Gaylin, Jeff Hackett, Rupa Datta, Tom W. Smith, Norman Bradburn, and Alison Gross.