Publications & Resources

Transparency Initiative Update and Spotlight


All organizations involved in AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative have agreed to train their employees in TI principles and procedures for compliance. However, NORC at the University of Chicago has taken this TI requirement and made sure that not only are all employees with survey oversight responsibilities trained on TI issues but they complete their TI training on an annual basis. This spotlight focuses on Becky Reimer, a Research Scientist in The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, and the TI training program implemented by her team.

ReimerB.jpgBecky Reimer first heard about AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative from the Director of The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research Trevor Tompson, who also used to serve as a member of the TI Coordinating Committee. Yet, that was not the last time Reimer heard about the TI. In fact, the TI plays a large role in her work on an almost daily basis.

Reimer says, “At NORC, research staff at all levels play a role in incorporating Transparency Initiative practices into our reporting efforts, and we’ve built a specific TI module into our annual corporate training for those who are ultimately responsible for TI standards being met. This way, the TI framework is communicated broadly across the organization and isn’t restricted to single individuals or small teams.”

In addition, members of her team developed a set of reporting checklists and guidelines, which includes TI information. Now, every time they prepare reports for public release or for clients, they can consult the list of TI Disclosure Elements to check that all key details are included.

Reimer also suggests that the Transparency Initiative Coordinating Committee works on making the trainings more interactive so that employees who are required to complete them on annual basis are more engaged with the material. The TICC is very thankful for the hard work of NORC, The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, and Becky Reimer for their continued commitment to methodological disclosure.