Publications & Resources

Transparency Initiative Update


Past AAPOR President and Past Transparency Initiative Coordinating Committee Chair Tim Johnson receives a thank you gift from current TICC co-chair Ashley Kirzinger

Over the past year, six new organizations joined the Transparency Initiative (TI), bringing total membership to 87 organizations and 63 organizations have passed their biennial review, which has been coordinated by TICC co-chair Tim Triplett. The TICC continues efforts for member recruitment and education including several presentations by the TICC co-chairs including a PAPOR short course.

At the AAPOR Annual Conference in Denver, the full committee met and thanked Tim Johnson, Mary Losch, Peter Miller, Tom Miller, and Mandy Sha for their commitment to this initiative over the past many (many) years. The TICC also welcomed five new members: Seth Brohinsky (Abt), Krista Jenkins (Fairleigh Dickinson), Stephanie Marken (Gallup), Becky Reimer (NORC), and Katrina Sostek (Google Surveys).