Publications & Resources

Transparency Initiative Update


As part of the Transparency Initiative, organizations have agreed to train their employees with job responsibilities that include the methodology content of TI Research, press releases and any other forms of research data disclosure, have been properly trained in TI principles and procedures for compliance.

Wu.jpgThis spotlight focuses on the TI training program at Kaiser Family Foundation, a charter member of the Transparency Initiative. We interviewed Bryan Wu, who has been working as a Research Assistant at the organization for the past 16 months after completing his B.S. at UC Berkeley. He currently works on tracking the public’s views of and experiences with the health care system. According to Wu, he completed the TI training as part of his work orientation when he joined the KFF team.

“I had never heard of AAPOR or of the Transparency Initiative, but my supervisors made sure that learning about the AAPOR Code of Ethics was a large part of my training. Part of that training was to watch all of the TI videos. It actually helped me better understand the methodological details of the work we conduct,” Wu said.

In fact, now one of his chief responsibilities involve checking each of their survey methodologies to ensure that they include every required element for TI. Wu says it is important for all AAPOR members to disclose their research methods because this information is necessary for the public, and other researchers, to interpret findings that may have a direct impact on our society. Wu said, “Transparency is key for people to analyze, as well as use the data correctly.”

For more information on AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative and to see the training videos, please visit the TI Education Page.