Publications & Resources

Transparency Initiative Update


Beginning in Fall 2016, the Transparency Initiative Coordinating Committee will be highlighting the work of TI member organizations. The first organization chosen by the TICC is the Sarah T. Hughes Field Politics Center at Goucher College. If your organization is not yet a TI member, joining is now easier than ever with our updated website. All AAPOR members should consider becoming members of the Transparency Initiative!

As the very first charter member of the Transparency Initiative, the Sarah T. Hughes Field Politics Center at Goucher College demonstrates a strong commitment to the disclosure of research methods. As Director Kromer said, "We are a small shop that conducts a biannual poll-nevertheless, we provide the same disclosure information as the larger polling labs. Size doesn't matter, but disclosure does. I also view the TI as a credibility builder!" The Sarah T. Hughes Field Politics Center was founded in the early 1950s from a grant provided by the Maurice and Laura Falk Foundation and later supported by a gift from the estate of Goucher College alumna Judge Hughes. The Center sponsors a variety of activities designed to facilitate student involvement in governmental and political affairs, including the Goucher Poll which was started in 2012 under Dr. Kromer’s directorship. Goucher students administer this survey in their 40-station CATI lab as part of the college's commitment to civic engagement and experiential learning. The dual-frame Goucher Poll draws upon a random sample of Maryland citizens to gauge perceptions towards important policy, social, and economic related issues. Results of the Goucher Poll are shared with members of the campus community to facilitate scholarly research as well as released to the media and community at large. To see more from this organization, please visit the Spring 2016 Goucher Poll.