Publications & Resources

Transparency Initiative Spotlight: American Institutes for Research


American Institutes for Research (AIR) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan behavioral and social science research, evaluation, assessment, and technical assistance organization with a mission to conduct and apply the best behavioral and social science research and evaluation towards improving people's lives, with a special emphasis on the disadvantaged.

AIR’s Survey and Data Sciences (SDS) division is a proud charter member of the AAPOR Transparency Initiative. Rebecca Medway, a Senior Survey Methodologist in AIR’s Survey and Data Sciences division explains that transparency has become integral in all aspects of their research. “Being transparent in our methodological reporting is important to SDS because we know just how much of an effect design and administration decisions can have on the resulting data. Insisting on a culture of transparency helps reinforce that we are confident in the methods we use, and it has helped our clients to become more aware of the importance of being transparent with their stakeholders and data users. It has also been instrumental in helping us to achieve AIR’s mission to provide client-oriented services characterized by professional integrity and to produce quality work products anchored in science. Finally, it has resulted in many interesting methodological conversations in our division about how to apply the TI guidelines to different types of surveys and research projects!”

SDS provides a full range of survey design and operational services and support techniques such as responsive/adaptive survey design. SDS executes all modes of data collection, surveying hard-to-reach and hard-to-survey populations, in a wide variety of content areas. SDS also leverages conventional and unconventional data sources to gain more nuanced insights and has the capability to identify, obtain, and transform data from surveys, administrative sources, websites, social media, sensors, and other sources. To maximize the value of “open data” initiatives, SDS works with different interfaces to automate the collection and sharing of information within and across organizational lines. At the same time, SDS maintains a keen understanding of the limitations of emerging data sources for research and evaluation.
Pia Peltola, a Principal Researcher at AIR and the TI liaison for SDS, says that “One of the many benefits of being a TI member is that it “forces” on ongoing attention to transparency and consistency in our methodological reporting.  Every new staff member of SDS goes through the same transparency training and every report goes through internal transparency review.” Pia also notes that “On a more fundamental level, it feels that transparency in information creation matters more today than ever before and by adhering to AAPOR TI reporting standards, we are doing our part.”
The TICC is very thankful for the hard work of AIR’s Survey and Data Sciences Division
for their continued commitment to methodological disclosure.