Publications & Resources

Transparency Initiative Spotlight


AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative is very active and ready for additional member organizations. If you are interested in having your organization join, please contact us at

Member Spotlight: University of Wisconsin Survey Center
Since 1987, the University of Wisconsin Survey Center (UWSC) has provided high quality research design and data collection services for researchers at the University of Wisconsin, other universities, and the state and federal government. By offering a range of services for large and small projects and obtaining high response rates when providing data collection to large longitudinal studies, UWSChas become well-respected in the survey field. According to Faculty Director of UWSC, Dr. Nora Cate Schaeffer, AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative was a good fit for UWSC, “because most of the data we collect is destined to be the basis for publication in refereed journals and government reports…and our clients are often new to the world of survey research and not trained in the technical aspects of the field.  The reporting templates that we developed for the TI help us further educate our clients about what is involved in high quality research and let us showcase the high level of expertise we offer.”
Dr. Schaeffer also noted that the TI training materials and reporting framework provide the Project Directors additional professional development and provide a mechanism for more consistency in reports across projects. According to Nadia Assad, Project Director at UWSC, “I work closely with the Survey Methodologist at the UW Survey Center analyzing data and conducting meta-analyses. Through that work, I’ve realized how important it is that a core set of information on how the data was collected be available for survey research studies to allow for review and replication of research.  The standard TI-compliant report templates we use at the University of Wisconsin Survey Center ensure that all reports we provide to our clients include this important information, and make it easy for our clients to publish clear and complete methods information regarding their research.” Another Project Director at UWSC, Griselle Sanchez-Diettert, added “Instituting the TI guidelines has helped us standardize the format and content of reports provided by different staff.  This has been helpful as our staff has continued to grow in the past few years.  It’s also good to know that so many data collection agencies are using the same guidelines, and that we can be sure all of those who’ve signed on to the initiative are being open and honest about all the procedures they use in data collection and reporting.”
The TICC is very thankful for the hard work of University of Wisconsin Survey Center for their continued commitment to methodological disclosure.