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TI News


The AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative Coordinating Committee is proud to announce three new members to the dedicated committee of AAPOR members who are charged with assessing organizational compliance with disclosure standards. The new members are:

We are thankful for the continued commitment to the Transparency Initiative from AAPOR members.
The Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is responsible for conducting a variety of research services for faculty, departments, administrative units, and students as well as several large-scale government projects. BOSR manages the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, the Youth Tobacco Survey, the Nebraska Annual Social Indicators Survey, and the Nebraska Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, among others. Established in 1964, BOSR takes great pride in the methodological rigor associated with all of its work and methods disclosure plays a large role in that. According to Jolene Smyth, Director of BOSR, “BOSR has always been highly committed to using sound methods and being transparent about the work we do.  Joining the transparency initiative gave us a great opportunity to formalize that commitment. To keep the TI requirements manageable in a production environment, we developed internal templates and checklists that have made disclosure automatic in our processes. Joining the TI has also given us an opening to emphasize our commitment to methods and transparency to our clients, which is great for us and which we hope also promotes a culture of methods transparency among our clients“.
As part of their membership in AAPOR Transparency Initiative, BOSR is required to pass a biennial evaluation. The organization successfully passed with no problems this evaluation in Spring 2017. One of the reviewers remarked that all of the disclosure elements for their projects were easily accessible and the TICC agreed believing that BOSR could serve as a great model for other organizations on how to provide this information to their clients and for the public. An example of what is provided is available here:
AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative is proud to have the Bureau of Sociological Research (BOSR) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as one of its charter members. Click here to learn more about AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative.