
Call for 2025 Webinar Proposals: A Great Way to Give Back to AAPOR


AAPOR’s Online Education Subcommittee is currently planning its 2025 webinar series; these webinars are widely attended by researchers, practitioners and students, and provide AAPOR members with an opportunity to learn about the latest public opinion and survey research practices without having to leave their desks! The success of the webinar series is contingent on having great presenters who are equipped to inform AAPOR members about the most up-to-date research methods.

If you are interested in leading an AAPOR webinar in 2025, please complete an online proposal with the following information*:

*proposals will only be accepted if complete information is provided.

Recent webinars have covered a wide variety of topics ranging from questionnaire design to the use of social media and new technologies in survey research. A full list of recent and upcoming  is available online.

Please submit your proposal online by August 7th, 2024 in order for your topic to be considered for the 2025 AAPOR webinar series. We look forward to hearing from you and are excited to hear your excellent webinar ideas!

Submit your proposal here.