Ensure the long term sustainability

AAPOR Executive Council has chosen membership diversity as a strategic issue and therefore, this effort must be sustained.

This means providing resources (volunteers, AAPOR staff, funding) and implementing practices that support AAPOR’s diversity efforts.

  • Ongoing initiatives:
    • Add diversity training for Executive Council members and AAPOR staff at the annual Council strategy meeting.
    • Develop diversity practices (as one example – the Councilor-at-large responsible for the Diversity Coordinating Committee could also be designated to champion the diversity perspective by explicitly thinking about and asking about issues related to diversity and equity on all agenda items at monthly Executive Council meetings.  Other opportunities will need to be explored.)
  • Long term actions:
    • Council should consider elevation of Diversity to a standing Committee separate from MCR with a Diversity Chair to be an elected member of Executive Council.  It will take time to evaluate whether this is a necessary step and therefore, we leave it to a future Council to determine if the organization would be better served by a Council level committee.