Committees & Taskforces

Interested in serving on one of our committees or taskforces? Click here to volunteer.

Go ‘Behind the Curtain’ to learn more about AAPOR’s committee, volunteering, & leadership opportunities.

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Executive Committee

Frauke Kreuter, President

Jordon Peugh, Vice President

Jennifer Agiesta, Past President

Ricki Jarmon, Secretary – Treasurer

Tamara Terry, Associate Secretary – Treasurer

Communications Committee

Bob Torongo
Communications Chair

Kathleen Weldon
Associate Communications Chair

Conference Committee

Gina Walejko
Conference Chair

Morgan Earp
Associate Conference Chair

Education Committee

Florian Keusch
Education Chair

Ashley Koning
Associate Education Chair

Finance Committee

Ricki Jarmon

Tamara Terry
Associate Secretary-Treasurer

Inclusion & Equity Committee

Sunghee Lee
Inclusion And Equity Committee Chair

Luis Tipan
Associate Inclusion And Equity Committee Chair

Membership & Chapter Relations Committee

Bianca DiJulio
Membership & Chapter Relations Chair

Dakisha Locklear
Associate Membership & Chapter Relations Chair

Standards Committee

Ned English
Standards Chair

Jenny Marlar
Associate Standards Chair

Councilors at Large

Dawn Nelson
Alisú Schoua-Glusberg
René Bautista

AAPOR Awards Committees

  • AAPOR Award for Exceptionally Distinguished Achievement Committee
  • AAPOR Public Service Award Committee
  • Book Award Committee
  • Burns “Bud” Roper Fellow Award Committee
  • Inclusive Voices Award Committee
  • Innovators Award Committee
  • Monroe G. Sirken Award Committee
  • Policy Impact Award Committee
  • Seymour Sudman Paper Award Committee
  • Student Conference Award Committee
  • WAPOR/AAPOR Janet A. Harkness Student Paper Award Committee
  • Warren J. Mitofsky Innovators Award Committee

AAPOR Publications

JSSAM Advisory Committee
Gina K. Walejko, Co-Chair AAPOR
Rebecca R. Andridge, Co-Chair ASA

POQ Advisory Committee
Frederick Conrad – Chair

Survey Practice Advisory Committee
Aleia Clark Fobia, Chair


Communications: Social Media Subcommittee
Melissa Cidade, Chair
Communications: Journalist Education Subcommittee
Aimee Vella Ripley – Chair
Conference: Abstract Review Subcommittee
Conference: Local Events Subcommittee
Education: Diversity Subcommittee
Elizabeth Allen – Chair
Education: History Subcommittee
Dakisha Locklear – Chair
Education: Online Education Subcommittee
Robyn Rapoport – Co-Chair
Bella Struminskaya – Co-Chair
Education: Publications Subcommittee
James Wagner – Chair
Education: Short Course Subcommittee
Douglas B. Currivan – Chair

Finance: Sponsorship Committee
Darby Steiger, Chair
IEC: Outreach
Dana Garbarski, Chair
IEC: Affinity Groups
Luis Tipan, Chair
IEC: Metrics and Accountability
Joe Murphy, Chair
IEC: Culture and Communication
Sara Walsh, Chair
IEC: Awards and Nominations
Anna Sandoval, Chair
IEC: Learning and Professional Development
Kara Fitzgibbon, Chair

Membership: Database Subcommittee
Morgan Earp – Chair
Membership: Roper and Student Travel Award Subcommittee
Chase H. Harrison – Chair
Membership: Survey and Data Analysis Subcommittee
David Sterrett – Chair
Membership: Welcoming Committee
Erin Fordyce, Co-Chair
Jonathan Katz, Co- Chair
Standards: Standard Definitions Subcommittee
Ashley Amaya – Chair
Transparency Initiative Coordinating Committee
Jennifer Benz, Co-Chair
Krista Jenkins, Co-Chair

AAPOR Ad-hoc Committees And Task Forces

Ad-Hoc Committee on Publisher Options
Ad Hoc Committee on Governance of AAPOR’s Journals
Task Force for Online Panels
Ad-Hoc Committee on Standards To Review And Provide Guidance On CTIA Text Messaging Recommendations
Challenges and Issues Associated with the Linkage of Non-Survey Data to Survey Data